It’s true. She gave us 78 years—yet somehow managed to convince just about everyone that she was just getting started. Her passing was blessedly peaceful and utterly unexpected. Alex and I were holding her hands at the moment she left us, and although tears weren’t in short supply, neither was gratitude that the end came so swiftly (and unexpectedly, even though Susan had been undergoing cancer treatment for nearly two years). With a sudden onset of a slight difficulty in breathing (she denied there was anything to worry about), there followed a Sunday night trip to the emergency room, then, a few hours later, a seeming precautionary move to the ICU, some test results to wait for…but a few minutes after Monday midnight, on Oct 18, Susan Alexandra Hamilton was off to the next.
We didn’t wish to announce to the world that it would have to do without her talent, her beauty, her wit and unequaled intelligence until we could find a permanent venue where Susan’s many friends and colleagues (and a legion or two of fans) could share their thoughts and personal remembrances.
So to everyone: if and when the spirit moves you, do share a tale or two—or even just a thought about how Susan’s amazing story has intersected with your own. Leave words (and pics, if you have them) in the Comments area here, and we will see that they are speedily posted for all to share. That will be a continuing labor of love. -Michael, November 2, 2022
P.S. Pamela asked if her lifelong friend had ever mentioned a favored charity that could benefit from a memorial gift (of course not: that would have been tantamount to admitting the possibility of defeat!), but Susan’s years-long passion for preserving the breed of her magnificent ‘Kita, Blackjack, Zaria, and Tanner make the designation automatic: the Giant Schnauzer Rescue fund. If you are so moved, just tell them, “Susan sent you”!
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