Christmas is at last here in New Hampshire. Our little town of Wolfeboro maintains a definite Irving Berlin Christmas look to it. Unfortunately, last week’s fluffy white snow has now turned into limb-breaking sheets of ice on our driveway, steps and deck. Even the dogs with their FOUR legs are having a hard time staying upright: splaying and skating all over the place (they don’t seem to mind).

Most years we light up the place like this, although there was the one year when we returned from a Thanksgiving trip to the other coast to find the gutters so cemented with ice that Michael had to use a wood-burning iron to melt holes for the lights to clip onto. The cursing was not spiritually appropriate…
Here is hoping that your holidays are filled to a sleightop with love, great food and drink, good music, lots of laughs — and all the other ingredients that create the best memories.
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