The Waiting is Over: Julian Lennon
Maybe it had something to do with our being able to sit back and relax as John McCurry cut up and took over the scene at NYC’s China Club, but from the beginning, Julian and I shared an unspoken empathy. Jules always seemed perfectly comfortable in his own skin…
John McCurry: When Accordion Players Go Bad!
Would you believe John McCurry started in music as a young accordion virtuoso? I’ve seen pictures — pretty nerdy (but so cute)! Eventually, the wild side took over. He got himself into a heap of trouble and ended up in the hoosegow. John’s good friend, Joe Pezzullo, presented him with an acoustic guitar to take in with him. So he settled down and taught himself to play. The rest is pop music history.
An Irving Berlin Christmas look…
Most years we light up the place like this, although there was the one year when we returned from a Thanksgiving trip to the other Coast to find the gutters so cemented with ice that Michael had to use a wood-burning iron to melt holes for the lights to clip onto.